More about CCKC and what we do

Why purebred dogs?

Dogs have been companions and working partners to man for centuries. People developed breeds  to do particular jobs from warming castle beds to herding reindeer or sheep, hunting birds or large game, keeping vermin out of the kitchen and barn, and guarding possessions and families. Keeping breeds pure is an art and a science practiced by fanciers such as CCKC members who breed, train, and show their dogs.

Club members are involved in breeding, conformation shows, obedience trials, lure coursing, go-to-ground competitions, carting, water rescue, search and rescue, agility, and more to maintain the integrity of their breeds, provide public service, and enjoy canine companionship and skills.

Many club members have certified therapy dogs that visit nursing homes and hospitals, and many are involved in breed rescue to help dogs of their breeds that need new homes. Some club members train their dogs in search and rescue to help find people who are lost or have been the victims of natural disasters or other tragedies.

Several club members are dog show judges who have studied various breeds intensely so they can judge canine conformation shows.

Most club members are pet owners first and show dog owners second; all club members are interested in spreading the word about the joy of owning a purebred dog.

Next: Are purebred dogs under attack?

CCKC is your Clermont County link to the wonderful world of purebred dogs and their owners!

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